Osprey Publishing: Fighting Sail

Entdeckung der Woche: Fighting Sail von Osprey Publishing.
Schnelle Flottengefechte im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert mit simplen aber plausiblen Regeln und null Buchhaltung!
Ich kann es jedem nur empfehlen, in den nächsten Tagen werde ich eine kleine Artikelserie darüber starten.
Stay tuned!


  1. Hey Schmockblog....

    long time i visit your Blog....the Reichstag....

    very very cool amazing building...could you tell me, which size it is?

    how did you make the the Entrance? the Statues in the center from it....i will build also one...but dont now, how i can do this decoration....

    please tell me a little bit about that....

    best regards tim

    1. Hey Tim,

      the overall size of the Reichstag was about 120x40x45, it`s designed for 28m miniatures.

      Most of this was hand crafted using my good old Proxxon THERMOCUT 230/E (http://www.proxxon.com/de/micromot/27080.php)

      The broken statues in front of the building are some ordinary celtic miniatures (the naked ones) I had left over from another project.

      PS: Get in touch with us on our facebook - page if you want further information :-)

  2. hello Thomas,

    big thank to you!

    i will look forward...

    best regards


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